Programs, projects and organizations within our 10 priority areas 每天对科罗拉多人的幸福有积极影响吗. 我们的资助机会是我们与社区和组织合作,打破阻碍我们健康的许多系统性不公平现象的一种方式. If your work is aligned with our cornerstones and falls into one of our priority areas, 我们鼓励您探索我们目前的资助机会.
2024 Funding Cycles
Priority Area: Adult Recovery
1. 通过非临床项目支持科罗拉多人康复
Priority Area: Advocacy
1. Advocacy and Justice with Communities of Color
Priority Area: Community Solutions
1. Community-Initiated Solutions
Priority Area: Thriving Young People
1. Equitable Community-Designed Outdoor Spaces
2. 支持整体,文化响应和青年驱动的身体健康
3. Supporting Healthy Minds and Youth Resiliency
我们的资金集中在那些没有权力的人身上, 特权或收入是他们健康和幸福的障碍. 每个资助机会都有自己特定的资格标准. Typically, we consider grants for the following:
- Projects: 在规定的时间内进行的一系列具体活动
- Capacity Building: 增强业务能力(融资、治理、规划)
- Capital: Facilities or infrastructure improvements
What Organizations Are Eligible to Apply?
- 根据第501(c)(3)条被列为免税的科罗拉多州组织
- 科罗拉多州公共机构,包括州和地方政府
- 没有501(c)(3)状态的新组织或新兴组织, 通过作为财政资助人的免税组织.
- 财政赞助者必须对任何授予的奖助金资金保持完全的自由裁量权和控制权,并应具有管理和接受财政赞助者所涉及的风险的组织能力.
- 该项目必须与财政赞助者的慈善使命保持一致.
- 在向365bet官网中文登陆申请赠款之前,财政赞助者的董事会必须批准该项目促进赞助者的慈善使命.
- For more information, download the Foundation's fiscal sponsor policy and sample memorandum of understanding (MOU).
To be eligible for funding, organizations must abide by all applicable local, 州和联邦反歧视法在招聘和就业实践以及提供服务时.
Note: 如果公共支持测试要求保留公共慈善机构的地位适用于您的组织, 作为365bet官网中文登陆的公共慈善受助人, 确保365bet官网中文登陆的赠款不会导致您的组织失去其作为公共支持慈善机构的地位是至关重要的.
What We Don't Fund
- Individuals
- Scholarships or scholarship funds
- 要求加入某种宗教或促进某种宗教信仰的项目(以信仰为基础的组织)如果欢迎并服务于不分宗教信仰的所有社区成员,则有资格获得资助, 前提是他们不需要参加特别的宗教活动)
- 由营利组织运作或使营利组织受益的项目
- Debt retirement
- Fundraising events
- Endowments
- 故意歧视某一特定阶层的个人的组织
Before Applying
- Ensure your work aligns with our cornerstones and 10 priority areas.
- 审查我们的资助机会,并决定哪一个与您组织的工作相一致.
- Connect with a program officer to discuss your project or program ideas.
- Create an account in our grantee portal at least one week before applying.
When Applying
- 我们要求以电子方式通过我们的 grantee portal. If you need another option, please send us an email or call 303-953-3600.
- 请使用Google Chrome浏览器,以确保完整的功能 grantee portal.
- When deadline dates (Feb. 15, June 15, Oct. 15)如果是假日或周末,则截止日期为下一个工作日.
- Applications must be received by 11:59 p.m. on the deadline date.
Multiple Grant Requests
您的机构可以在多个资助周期内提交多个拨款申请. Please note the following:
- 如果提交多个资助机会,您必须为每个机会提交单独的申请.
- If submitting for a renewal of a current grant, 你必须在申请截止日期前四个月提交申请.
所有申请者都被指派一名计划官员,作为他们与基金会的主要联络人. 每个申请人都可以与他们的项目官员讨论他们的申请,并向他们提出问题. Program officers may request a site visit. At any point during the process, 如有任何问题或疑虑,请随时与您指定的项目官员联系.
Review Processing Time
The review process takes approximately 90 days. 一旦做出决定,申请人就会收到通知.
Grant Declinations
If your applicant is declined, and you'd like to discuss the review and decision, please contact your program officer.
Third-Party Partnerships: We often partner with third-party evaluators, 我们与申请人和受助人合作的承包商和其他组织. 在审查过程和拨款周期中,您的申请及其附件可能会与这些个人或实体共享. 所有与基金会合作的第三方组织都签署了保密协议,不会将这些信息用于资助申请或资助奖励特定工作范围之外的目的.
如果您有任何疑问或想了解更多信息,请发送电子邮件 [email protected].
Invitation-Only Funding
作为我们住房负担能力战略的一部分,我们为促进全州住房公平的组织提供资金, we offer some funding by invitation only. We consider projects that:
- 是否有社区驱动/社区领导行动的基础
- Maintain or promote enduring housing stability
- Explicitly advance racial justice and health equity
如果你有符合上述标准的住房项目, please reach out to one of these program officers:
- Tracey Stewart (Statewide Strategy Lead)
- Sean Dollard (丹佛市区,科罗拉多西北部,科罗拉多西部)
- Nikte Contreras (Northeast Colorado)
- Camila Lara (Southwest Colorado)